Thursday, May 13, 2010

Almost There!

It is now past 7:30pm, so the food lines are closed.  We are waiting for the staff to tell us to leave, and then we will have successfully completed the Ratty Challenge!  Thanks for following!

Extreme Toe Wrestling!!!

Rachel just pointed out to us that ESPN2 was doing a segment on Extreme Toe Wrestling.  Awesome.

We all just finished a rather dissapointing dinner, mainly consisting of falafel.  This afternoon, our snack/4th meal consisted of variations on french fries, including chile fries and "tachos" (french fries with nacho toppings).  There was wide agreement that this was the culinary highlight of the day.

In other news, Harrison just successfully carried a tray with 5 (count it!) people's plates to the the tray rack, in an amazing display of forearm strength.

Joel and Gabriella joined us again for dinner, and Sarah has also been here for a while.

This afternoon was pretty quiet - work and movies.  I re-watched "A League of their Own" for the first time in years, and Jason, Rachel, and Sarah are almost finished watching Mean Girls (for Jason this must be the 16th time this year).  Jeff has taken notes on about 40 pages for Neurobiology, Rachel completed her History of Greece paper, and Nermarie wrote four pages for her Neuroethics final paper.

At this point, stir-craziness is starting to settle in.  We will definitely all be happy when we finally get kicked out in just over an hour.

My Cold Dead Fingers

More than halfway there (thanks Harrison for the Bon Jovi)!

We just concluded a rousing game of Apples to Apples - always good for a few laughs.  Now Jason's back to reading Perez.

We are now moving into "attempted work time" where we all attempt to do work.  I'll let you know how that actually goes down.


Or guest list now includes:
-Dan (my brother)
-Gabriella (x2)

and hopefully more to come. In case you were wondering, we tried genitalia on the 20Q game.  It guessed "urethra" for penis, and "womb" for vagina.  Close, but not quite.

This Shit Just Got Gay

Gay things done or discussed so far:

1) Kesha's new music video for "Your Love is My Drug" (AWESOME!!!!)
2) "Designer" Babies (Gucci, Prada, etc)
3) Lady Gaga
4) Part of Modern Family (Mitch and Cam)
5) Discussing the sexploits of a sexually indiscriminate brother
6) 20 questions machine with using the word "penis" (came back with urethra)
7) Wanting to dance to Britney rather than engaging in heterosexual sex



We are now half hour away from lunch - we were all so excited for chicken cutlet parm, but it turns out the Bistro line will be chicken pot pie instead.  Big disappointment.

Rachel and Jeff have completed a few Ken Kens, and we pulled out the 20 Questions machine, which didn't get "sculpture" but did get "mustache" and "tissue" (though Rachel was actually thinking of napkin...).

Jason spent a few minute playing our new favorite iPhone game - Mr. Cond.  This spawned some great quotes, such as "I got spermed!"

Finally, a few minutes ago we popped open a bottle of champagne and are now sipping on some Ratty-style mimosas!

The 9am Exam Crowd is gone...

The past hour was pretty busy here, as a flood of people came in freaking out about their exams at 9am. Now, it's emptied out again as everyone's off to their tests.  We were visited by Gabriella, and recently Jeff and Nermarie showed up to join us. Jason and I watched last night's Modern Family (awesome), which unfortunately means I'm caught up on TV for the week.

Now, we're discussing this morning's news, the new Arizona law banning ethnic studies in schools. We're all disgusted with the governor, who is pictured with the law on the front page of CNN. Our favorite quote so far (on the immigration law, not the school one) was from Governor Schwarzenagger, who joked "I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona this weekend. But with my accent, I was afraid they would try to deport me."

Two hours down, 10 to go...

And so it begins

It is now 7:15am, and Ratty Challenge 2010 has begun!  Rachel, Jason, Harrison, and I (Ben) were swiped in by Jose at 7:00 sharp, and we are now sitting in the back cave.  We're just finishing up our (first) breakfast.  They have cheese blintzes this morning!  We are conveniently positioned near the couches, the TV, and the Samsung charging station (which may actually be useful today!)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ratty Challenge 2010!!!

That's right, EXACTLY 1 year after Toby and Sarah successfully completed the challenge, Rachel, Jason, Harrison, and I (Ben) have decided it is our turn to put ourselves to the ultimate Ratty test.

We will be entering the Sharpe Refectory at 7am tomorrow and will not leave until closing at 7:30pm.  Twelve-and-a-half hours should afford us plenty of time for food, fun, and maybe even a paper-writing contest (most words per hour??) 

Please join us, whether for a meal or for a few hours.  Bring a deck of cards, your favorite board game, or anything else you deem fun.  We'll be posting regular updates here on this Blog, so if you can't make it you'll always know what we're up to.

See you tomorrow...